New Book Title

17th December 2018

Good evening everyone! I have some exciting news today. I want to tell you that my new novel is to be called Tidelands and it’s Book One of a series called Fairmile. The series is going to tell the story of an ordinary family in England in the 1600s who rise from poverty in the south of England to have a shipping company that goes worldwide. They ride the crest of England’s commercial and imperial success, and they experience the moral dilemmas of wealth and empire. There are going to be children who go to America, and also probably to India and China. It’s a big sweeping history told through vivid individual lives. Fairmile is the name that they give to their home when they finally get the big house in the country, and it’s based on where they come from – Foulmire, a marshy poor harbour. This is a story of great events through one family, so it’s like my other works – great events as seen by individual women – but these are not royals or members of the court. These are our forebears: people who come from nowhere to make a life and a country for themselves.

Tidelands will be out next August, and you can pre-order at the below links. 

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