Richard III Reception into Leicester Cathedral

22nd March 2015

Today the remains of Richard III left Leicester University, where they had been kept in a secret location for fear of theft, to head to their final resting place. His cortege took a circuitous route, visiting the battlefield where he was killed and stopping for various ceremonies, before reaching Leicester Cathedral. Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, preached the sermon at the service for his reception into the cathedral. The long process of campaigning, excavating, investigating and now reinterring is coming to an end, at a location that will be fit for a medieval king – and which should never be destroyed and covered over with a car park!

Channel 4 broadcast ‘Richard III: The Return of the King’, covering the end of the procession and the service, which will be on 4od if you’re in the British Isles and missed it. I appeared on the panel after the service.

Pictures from the King Richard in Leicester project.